Wednesday, March 31, 2010

It's not like it's gonna go away!

What's up guys, sorry I haven't wrote in here in a few days. This is one of my test weeks and as usual, things are going crazy! haha. So sorry for my short absence. But anyways, I just wanted to talk to you guys today about why childhood obesity really is a problem in the U.S. Well first of all, childhood obesity is a huge problem because 80% of all children who are obese grow up to be obese adults! It causes many health care related issues for the children, and it is actually predicted that the next generation of children will be the first generation to have a shorter lifetime than its parents! I just find that crazy. Another reason childhood obesity is a huge problem is because of something that has just recently happened in my life. One of my family's good friends has just recently passed away, and it was because of a heart attack due to his eating habits and body weight. It's just so sad because if he would have lived a healthier life, he might still be with us today. I think that it is evident that childhood obesity NEEDS to be prevented as much as possible, and there's really only one way for us to do that, and that is by tackling its direct causes!

For now, I have to go to a study group for the next 10 hours of my life, but I will definitely get back on here soon to start discussing what I believe are the main causes of childhood obesity!! See yall later and have a great Wednesday!

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