Thursday, April 8, 2010

2nd Cause!

The second main cause that I believe causes childhood obesity is the fact that our school systems don't have healthy school lunches or appropriate physical education programs. The reason I say that, is that most schools in our country are public. When doctors tested the percentage of childhood obesity from public schools to private schools, doctors found that private schools had a much lower percentage of fat children.

The reason behind this is the fact that private schools have the money to afford healthier (better) lunches than public schools, and they also can afford more appropriate physical education programs that suit the children's needs.* A test was performed by several doctors, where they implemented a "3 class per week program, which included exercise, nutrition awareness, and psychological support." After about 5 months, the number of obese kids in the school had dramatically decreased!*

Since schools have so much time with the children, it is very important that they invest their time in trying to prevent childhood obesity. However, our school systems still lack anything close to an appropriate lunch or P.E. program. I will explain a little more on this point tomorrow, but for now I need to hit the sack! See you guys later!


Li, Ji. Hooker, NH. "Childhood Obesity and Schools: Evidence From The National Survey of Children's Health."

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