Monday, April 26, 2010

P.E. - my favorite school subject!

I don't know about you guys, but P.E. had to be my favorite part of elementary school and middle school. It was a chance for me to use up all that bundled up energy that I had as a kid. However, kids nowadays aren't so excited about P.E. anymore. Why you may ask? Because kids have moved on to spend time on more lazy activities, such as watching tv, using the computer, and playing video games. This could be all the way up to 6 hours a day!!* The school systems are also losing appropriate funding to invest in P.E. programs, which makes the lazy activities for kids grow even more in our society! In order to help prevent childhood obesity, the government needs to provide sufficient funds for the school systems so they can have adequate Physical education programs. The new programs that should be instilled in the schools should combine fitness, counseling, dieting, and nutrition awareness for children, so that the kids get a broad spectrum of what it means to be healthy, aside just from being active and playing games!* If the government can provide the loans for the school systems to partake in these physical education programs, that will also help mold the school systems into being a more healthy environment for our children to grow up in. Surely, this will help bring down some of the childhood obesity.

Green, Gregory and Reese, Shirley A. “Childhood Obesity: A Growing Phenomenon For          Physical Educators.” Education. Volume 124. Issue 1. 2004: pp. 121-124. Galileo. Web.   4 March 2010.

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