Sunday, April 25, 2010

School snacks anyone?

Ok, so I just wanted to say that I have a Biology Lab Practical coming up this Wednesday, so if I have a small absence, that is why! I have been living in the library for that thing. haha But anyways, today I want to talk about school snacks and how they can be improved to help reduce childhood obesity. In a recent interview on Fox News, Michell Obama stated that the U.S. children snack 3 times a day on top of their normal 3 meals a day! She goes on to say "From fast food to vending machines packed with chips and candy, to a la carte lines, we tempt our kids with all kinds of unhealthy choices everyday."* If the government and school systems would really zone in on it, they would be putting in snack machines with healthier choices! Example, what if our snack machines at schools had apple dippers or fresh carrots? Sure, it may not be the most popular pick, but if the kids are actually hungry and not what we now refer to as "bored-hungry," then they should be fine in eating snacks that are healthier for them.* By changing the snack machines, it can be just one more step our school systems take to becoming a more healthier environment for our children in the U.S.!

Fox News Channel. "Snack Means U.S. Kids Moving Towards Constant Eating." 2 March 2010. 6 March 2010 .

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