Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Just throwing it out there...

Sorry guys, I've had a really busy week and these next two weeks are going to be EXTREMELY busy as the clock counts down to finals. So my posts might be a little bit more spread out than usual, but I am going to try my best to blog at least once every day, but forgive me if I let it go a little longer every now and then! haha. Well anyways, I am just going to throw out some options that can be possible solutions to childhood obesity!

1) Parents should take responsibility in making sure that their kids are getting healthy snacks and enough exercise.
2) The government needs to take action in providing healthy and quality meals for children. The government also needs to provide more money for school systems to improve the school lunches and have appropriate physical education programs!
3) The media needs to take on a positive outlook to healthier foods! By influencing kids to think good about healthier foods, they may be more willing to try new foods and live a healthier lifestyle!

Ok, so now you know what I think are 3 possible solutions to childhood obesity. What do y'all think are some possible solutions to childhood obesity? Tune in to my next blog, because I am going to narrow it down to one solution, and hopefully I will provide y'all with some great information about how this solution can positively impact our society!

Levy, Luba and Petty, Karen. “Childhood Obesity Prevention: Compelling Challenge of the       Twenty-First Century.” Early Child Development and Care. Volume 178. Issue 6.     August 2008: pp. 609-615. Galileo. Web. 4 March 2010.

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