Monday, April 12, 2010

On the other hand...

We all know that people don't always agree. There are always many different "theories" out there about why and how things happen. While I have blogged away about contributing factors to childhood obesity that are environmental, there are others who disagree! They think that childhood obesity is caused primarily by genetics! Although I'm not writing my blog on a "Nature vs Nurture" type of thing, I feel that there are those of you out there who support the genetic side of the argument, and y'all also have some good points as well! Let's take a look!

First of all, some of you would probably like to know what "genes" are. Genes are traits that you get from your parents! Like for instance, if both of your parents have brown hair, then you are most likely going to have brown hair (there are a few exceptions). But anyways, some people think that childhood obesity is a trait that parents pass of to their children. In a recent study, scientists found that a certain genetic trait has possibly lead to 50% of all children who are overweight! As of right now, Geneticists are trying their best to research more into this gene to see if it is actually causing it!*

While this may be a news breaking discovery, keep in mind that even if it is true, 50% of all children are obese because of OTHER things besides genes! I think that no matter what, we should stay focused on trying to prevent the environmental causes of childhood obesity, and we can see how things go from there! We can't cure genetic traits yet, but we can prevent environmental causes. In the next coming blogs, I will dive right into those. For now, it's study time! Later!!

Imperial College London. “Childhood Obesity Risk Increased By Newly-Discovered Genetic    Mutations.” Science Daily. 19 January 2009. 17 March 2010.

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