Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Media - Point Numero Tres!

My final point that I really feel contributes to childhood obesity is the role of the media in today's society. Pedra Lazaro, a psychiatrist, said that the "addictive ways of thinking and behaving are actually reinforced by many aspects of our culture."*

He then goes on to talk about how media promotes non-healthy foods. How many times a day are you sitting at your house watching T.V. when a commercial comes on that shows a mom baking cookies for her kids because she loves them? I know that I have seen a ton of these kinds of commercials!!!! When junk food is constantly being promoted in our society, it kind of makes everyone live by the subliminal message that living a non-healthy lifestyle is ok. When we express our love through food, you know there's a problem!!

Lazaro, Pedro. Why Can't I Stop Eating? Center City, Minnesota: 2000.

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