Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Changing the way it is... it's essential!

Ok guys, sorry I haven't been on the past couple days. I have a Calculus test this week, and I have literally dedicated my life to it! Along with a Biology paper, 3 quizzes in different classes, and etc. But anyways, that's my vent about the stress this week haha. Now on to what our school systems can do to improve the childhood obesity rate!

The government should give schools the money to help in the school's effort to work with outside organizations that are currently promoting a "pro-active and healthy lifestyle."* By using these organizations, such as the Before and After school programs, to focus in on ways to prevent childhood obesity, we will have a small start to solving our problem! Instead of making before and after school programs similar to study halls, they should divide the time between studying and activities!* The students don't need to be sitting for longer than they already have been! They have been in school all day long, and they need physical activities to do. By taking the initiative in the Before and After school programs, that can be the start to our solution! Do you agree? Well, that's all I can put for now because I have a meeting to go to! I'll be back later!

Peterson, Karen E., and Fox, Mary K. “Addressing The Epidemic of Childhood Obesity Through School-Based Interventions: What Has Been Done and Where Do We Go From Here?.” Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics. Volume 113. Issue 18. March 2007: pp. 113-130. Galileo. Web. 4 March 2010.

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