Sunday, April 4, 2010

Causes of Childhood Obesity

Ok, so first off I wanna apologize for being gone the past few days. I had a HUGE chem test so I wasn't able to post much up this week! But I should be back into swing now. Anyways, so I think I left off where I was talking about what I think causes childhood obesity. There are three things that I think directly cause childhood obesity:

1) The parent's influence over their children's eating and exercise habits
2) The school system's lack of a nutritional diet and P.E. programs
3) The media and how it promotes non-healthy foods.

Even though there are people who think that childhood obesity is caused by genetics and all that, which I know does play a portion of the role in childhood obesity, I still feel like we should focus on what is preventable that causes it. We can't really do much about the genetics yet, so I am going to focus on the environmental factors of childhood obesity. I will talk all about each of these causes in my next few blogs, but for now, I have to attend a meeting for one of my school club's! I'll be back on here soon! Have a good Easter everyone!!


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