Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A note to some teachers...

I came across a really cool website that gave some pretty cool and simple solutions for teachers to help out in childhood obesity prevention in the classroom! Here are some simple steps that our teachers can take in elementary schools:

1) Make sure you have some sort of movement in your classroom activities every now and then.
2)Don't reward the children with junk food, and don't punish them by taking away their recess!
3)Have a healthcare worker come in and educate your students on what it means to be healthy! (Kind of like they do when the dentist comes in and talks about brushing your teeth!)
4) If the cafeteria is having a hard time coming up with healthy meal choices, have the students enter a contest suggesting healthy meals that they would like to eat. this also gives the school a general feel as to what the kids will like the best!

I just thought that those were interesting, because those are free (for the most part) ways of helping prevent childhood obesity in the classroom!

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