Saturday, April 17, 2010

The solution!

Ok, so maybe this isn't THE solution, but it is the solution that I am going to talk the most about in this blog! I feel that the government and school systems need to take responsibility and start promoting ways to prevent childhood obesity. Kids spend most of their time during the day at school, so we need to find ways to incorporate active activities for the kids, as well as fixing the lunch problem! For now, I have to go back to studying Calculus, but I will be back on here to explain more!

Peterson, Karen E., and Fox, Mary K. “Addressing The Epidemic of Childhood Obesity Through School-Based Interventions: What Has Been Done and Where Do We Go From Here?.” Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics. Volume 113. Issue 18. March 2007: pp. 113-130. Galileo. Web. 4 March 2010.

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