Thursday, April 22, 2010

School Food, Is there anybody out there who actually LIKES it?!

Ok, so I don't know about you guys, but I know that I HATED school lunches. They were always so gross! With snack machines right down the hall, it gives kids the option of what they want to eat. For me, the choice was easy: Junk food! I have been watching Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution on ABC (since it is about my topic!) and he found that 8 out of 10 kids prefer junk food over any of the healthy school lunches!* That's a huge number people! I think that if the school lunches would make more quality type of meals, then kids would me more likely to eat them!* The meals don't have to be straight up tofu, but they can be a well balanced meal like the food triangle below!

By providing a well-balanced meal, made with quality, the kids will be more likely to eat it! If you don't believe me, check out Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution on ABC. It's pretty epic.

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