Sunday, April 11, 2010

More on the 2nd point!

Ok, so I need to wrap up the second point, it's just been a hectic week so that's why I haven't been able to update everyday! Ok, so aside from the school systems lacking good P.E. programs, school meals also contribute to childhood obesity. To dive into this and get my information first hand, I decided to ask my sister (a 6th grader) what she though of the school lunches.

She replied, "Our school lunches are GROSS. I usually take a few bites and throw it away. Then I go to the snack machines. I know I can find something in there that I actually like."*

I remember back when I was in middle school. The food sucked! If our kids won't eat the food at schools, how are they supposed to be healthy (note, kids are at school 180 days a year!)? And as for snack machines, they act as an option for the kid to choose between there school lunch from. Any kid nowadays prefers junk food over the food at school, which is why they snack machine lines are getting longer than the cafeteria lines!

Well yall, that's it for today. I will definitely be back tomorrow to hit on point number 3! See yah!

Klyne Weaver: Interview on March 10, 2010.

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